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Dodgeball Event Assistance Program

The Dodgeball Event Assistance Program provides consultation, equipment and officiating referral services to organizations who require assistance with running a dodgeball event in the province of Ontario, Canada.


Services include:

  • Event, sport and rules consultation

  • Equipment access of dodgeballs and vinyl flip scoreboards

  • Connection and referrals to experienced referees in the sport of dodgeball


Program Eligibility


  • Event must be operated and take place within the province of Ontario, Canada

  • Event must aim to showcase the sport of dodgeball in a positive light encouraging fair play and integrity, transparency, inclusion, excellence in the true representation of the sport, unity and positive collaboration with all communities.

  • Event must be insured with a minimum of $2,000,000 of Commercial General Liability if the event involves playing dodgeball and is taking place in a third party facility with full participant coverage.





  • Event, sport and rules consultation: FREE

  • 1 x 7” WDBF PU Skin Foam dodgeball:

    • $10/per one day event

    • $15/per two day event

  • 4 x Vinyl Flip Scoreboards

    • $25/per one day event

    • $30/per two day event

    • Additional Vinyl Flip Scoreboard: +$5

  • Your organization will be responsible for all shipping charges to deliver and return equipment 

  • Recommended rate for referee by hire: $14 to $20/per hour

  • Recommended rate for referee by hire at event serving alcohol to participants: $20+/per hour


Available discounts and application to waive fees:


Registered non-for-profit organizations may apply for a discount of up to 50%. This does not include the wage for the referees. As Dodgeball Ontario is a volunteer run not-for-profit organization, we cannot guarantee the provision of volunteer referees at your event. Dodgeball Ontario can reach out to our large network of dodgeball enthusiasts to seek out volunteers willing to help out with your event.


Registered non-for-profit organization may also apply to have the ball rental fee waived should they meet the following criteria:

  • Registered non-for-profit corporation or charity

  • Target participants are considered vulnerable population or groups (Vulnerable populations include participants who are racial or ethnic minorities, children, elderly, socioeconomically disadvantaged, or those with certain medical conditions)

  • Event is substance and alcohol-free


For more information about the Dodgeball Event Assistance Program, please e-mail


To apply for this program, please contact


Please note that Dodgeball Ontario is a volunteer run not-for-profit organization. We require at least 4 months advance notice of your event to process your application.

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